It’s time to bring out the old resume for a face lift. Or maybe you’re creating your first resume. Either way, there are some major “do’s” and “don’ts” when it comes to building your resume.  The purpose of a resume is to have an easy flowing representation of yourself so an employer can quickly see if you’re worth their time. “Worth their time” sounds brutal, but it’s the truth. Employers receive many resumes. You need to stand out.   Content is key when it comes to your resume and dialogue can be your best friend when it comes to putting your experience on paper.   Launch creates that dialogue for you and put your achievements on paper.

resumeWhen someone receives a pile of resumes, they sort them into two piles: the “no’s” and the “maybe’s.” Obviously you need to have the credentials to get the job, but format goes a long way. Even if you’re just starting out and might not have a lot of experience to list, professional formatting can entice a potential employer to put you in the “maybe” pile.

For the sake of time, employers quickly skim resumes for format and key words to determine whether or not to advance a candidate to an interview round. You need an easily readable format that shows your level of professionalism and directs your reader to key phrases that showcase what you have to offer. If someone can look at your resume at a quick glance and decide they want to keep your resume for further investigation, then you’ve done your job right.

At Launch we work with you to create a resume that is unique to your skills and clearly defines your accomplishments in a fresh and concise way.  Learn more about the Basic Package here!
