The Interview:  $200

As with every skill you’ve ever learned, you have to learn the technique and then practice, practice, practice. Launch’s Interview methodology will not only help you perfect your technique, but it will also allow you to get valuable feedback and coaching on your performance.

b534c146caf6d39c7c57565415cfeee0It is in your best interests to thoroughly prepare for that job interview. One of the best ways to do this is to hold a mock interview, so that you can get used to answering common interview questions.

Practice will help you reduce interview anxiety, improve your interview skills, and in many cases, gain important feedback about how you interview. It will also help you sharpen your communication skills — and poor communication skills were the number one turn-off for hiring managers, according to a Society of Human Resource Management survey.

So, before you even step foot in an interview we have some work do to first. Here’s Our Process:

  1.  In our first meeting, we review our approach for handling interviews in order to maximize your effectiveness and planning.
  2.  You are given homework working on friendly mock interviews and communication skills.
  3.  Launch conducts a mock interview and reviews areas to improve and focus more effort.
  4.  Next, we set up a outside mock interview with an Austin executive in one of the spaces below to gain hands on experience.
  5.  The interviewer then provides Launch feedback for the client to review.

CEO, Austin, Small Start-Up
CEO/Owner, Mid-Size Austin Start-Up
Executive Director, Nonprofit Organization
Investor, Austin Angel
Managing Partner, Funding Group
Sales Director, Mid-Size Company
Senior Manager, State of Texas
